YOSHIZAWA Kazunori, PhD (Recent photo)
Associate Professor
Systematic Entomology,
Graduate School of Agriculture,
Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, 060-8589 Japan
Research interests
- Morphology, phylogeny, biogeography and taxonomy of psocids ("Psocoptera")
- Morphology and higher systematics of Paraneoptera, or hemipteroid insects
- Origin and evolution of lice
- Morphology of the wing base structure and its phylogenetic significance
Selected Recent Publications
- Yoshizawa, K. 2012.
Treehopper's helmet is not homologous with wings (Hemiptera: Membracidae).
Systematic Entomology 37: **-**.
* Published online on Oct 14, 2011 (Free Download)
* CrossRef from the Nature paper
- Yoshizawa, K. 2011.
Monophyletic Polyneoptera recovered by wing base structure.
Systematic Entomology 36: 377-394.
- Yoshizawa, K. & Johnson, K. P. 2010.
How stable is the "Polyphyly of Lice" hypothesis (Insecta: Psocodea)?: A comparison of phylogenetic signal in multiple genes.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 939-951.
- Yoshizawa, K. 2010.
Direct optimization overly optimizes data.
Systematic Entomology 35: 199-206.
- Yoshizawa, K. Garcia Aldrete, A.N. & Mockford, E.L. 2008.
Systematics and biogeography of the New World species of Trichadenotecnum Enderlein (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera': Psocidae).
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 153: 651-723.
Complete List of Publications (contains Japanese characters)
Curriculum Vitae
Checklist of Japanese Psocoptera. (Latest update: Jul. 9, 2004)
Data files presented in Yoshizawa's publications.
Japanese version
Link to PsocoNet - The Psocidologists' Home Page